Generating 300,000 calls/year and $150 - $175 mm in yearly sales

The agency negotiated a CPI (Cost/Inquiry) deal with all media and built a unique website where results were uploaded daily and the media partners could check their sales and invoice us accordingly.
Initial data:
- The agency bought 69,000 TV spots yearly, which transformed us into one of the top network and spot buyers in the U.S. Hispanic market.
- Generated 300,000 calls/year
- Sales of $150 - $175 million/year
- Conversion ratio: 24% - 26%
- CPA $386 for a $2,000 initial sale with an LTV of $8 - $10,000
The digital transformation
- Redirected DIRECTV Mas budget to Digital
- Moved most of the budget to straight CPC
- Met sales goals and lowered costs.
- New technology implemented:
- SMS for radio (vs. phone numbers)
- Click to call buttons on our ads
- Mobile (with a 6% conversion)
- Call interrupt when using phone cards
- Lowered CPI from about $100 to $40