8 Actions Your CMO Needs to Take

Growing your sales & profits will benefit from a real CMO. Here's what they need to do

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A real CMO has a deep understanding of the entire marketing ecosystem: branding, digital and direct, not only a slice of the pie.

This is what a CMO does:

1. Identify and evaluate all the segments that drive your sales. This requires real research. Data. Not opinions.

2. Actionable insights: what are the key persuasion levers for each segment?

3. Be an expert in all media channels -- understand and evaluate every channel that can reach your customers and be able to mix all of them in a real omnichannel strategy

4. Drive the creation of persuasive and creative messaging that will drive demand.

5. Use analytics insightfully. Don't bombard you with numbers or data, but transform that data into intelligence that will increase your sales and margins. This will improve the efficiency of your marketing budget.

6. Create a strategy that ties all of this together into a single actionable plan. Then work with your team (or their team) to put it into action, create tactics that drive the strategy and review it continuously.

7. Build and train a marketing team for you so your company can really expand.

8. Build your marketing stack to make your operation more effective 

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